Quiz:Which character are you???

2013-12-08 05:45

Which character from e-Nikol are you?


  1. If the principal asked you to go to this office what would you say?
  2. What did i do again?
    Why?What did i do ?

  3. You are sick but the show must be what would you do?
  4.  Take a pill and continue the show
     Stay sick and continue the show
    I can't do this..continue alone girls

  5. In the menu there is tea,sandwitch and chocolate . What would you pick?
  6. Omg...i love tea!!
    Sandwitch?I want it now....
    Have you go money?I need that chocolate!

  7. What type of student are you?
  8. smart,goodlooking but not the best character
    smart,beautiful , bookish type
    i read a lot but i need more practice

  9. Are you a good singer?.
  10. I like singing but i can't reach the too high notes
    I love singing , i always did but i can't get lower ... i am just Soprano
    I like singing and i just sing the notes i can sing!

Thank you for taking this quiz in our trivia page.Dont forget to see ouw webshow!

by e-nikol.webnode.gr